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(As conveyed by Mother Minnie Davis, the mother of Founder Bishop E.D. Davis, D.Min.)
In the year of our Lord, 1920, in the spring, in Winnsboro, Louisiana, Mother Davis was invited to a revival by some white neighbors who were saints. In those days in Louisiana, the white and Negro people didn't mix, even in church. I first took my oldest daughter in the buggy and went to a revival held in a tent that was in a rural area. Being a Negro, I could not get close to the tent. But from the distance I was, I could hear the Gospel. I realized that my life was not in accord with what I heard; therefore, my soul was stirred. Each and every night I got a chance, I went back to the tent, as far as I could get, and heard the gospel from night to night. I was not allowed to go to the altar in the tent, so one of the white sisters, Sister Sophia Armstrong, slipped me into her home to further instruct me and to tarry for the Holy Ghost. I did not receive the Holy Ghost that year, but I did not give up my conviction. Elder James L. Daniel, who is now gone to be with the Lord, heard the Gospel from the same people and received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. He came to our home and stayed with us a little while, and I continued to tarry until September, 1921, on a Friday night. I had my first real experience with the Lord. I had an experience on the tongues. This was an experience that even the time has not erased from my memory. Elder James Daniel was whipped by some white people in the community and was told to get away. This was to prevent more Negro people from hearing the Gospel. After he was saved, he was called into the ministry and began to preach to us. After he was ran away, I was the only Negro saved in the community; so I took my children, had them sit around in the house or under a tree and had service with them for two years. People said I was crazy, that I was a "holy roller", and that I was raising a house full of crazy children because I was teaching them the way of the Lord. I was not discouraged by the mean things that were said about me. I kept my conviction in Jesus.
One morning I was awakened and began to feel good in the spirit. I had begun to receive literature from the Church of God in Nashville, Tennessee. This particular morning, the Lord gave me to write to the headquarters about my condition; as I wrote, I was in the spirit. The National Convention was in progress at the time. When my letter was received, it was read to the entire convention. I was told later that the saints began to rejoice and speak in tongues and praise the Lord. After the convention was over, they sent Elder T. A. Sears, a preacher, to where I was and we began to have a wonderful time together.
We would search the scriptures daily and in our searching, we both found that the Church of God was the true name of the Church. This was the beginning of my knowledge of the Church of God. Elder T. A. Sears left and for seven years, I was without a leader. I continued on with the Lord and with my children. In 1935, Elder James Daniel came back to us and baptized me and my children in the name of the Lord Jesus. I moved from Winnsboro to Fort Necessity. Our church was located in Gilbert. Many times, we would walk to church, a distance of fifteen miles, twice on Sunday. We would get there in time for Sunday school and have service early and walk home by night. This we did Sunday after Sunday until we later moved.
1929-1967 – The Late Mother Minnie Davis served as the first National Mother.
In 1938, we moved to Pine Bluff, Arkansas. We bought a lot at 3100 West 11th St. and built a church. Many souls were saved; many were healed; many were delivered of various afflictions caused by Satan. Elder E. D. Davis, my son who received the baptism of the Holy Ghost in 1929, became our leader. In 1943, Elder E. D. Davis went to Delhi, Louisiana and started a church. Many were saved, delivered, and blessed of the Lord. In 1944, Elder E. D. Davis went to Dixon Mills Alabama and began a work there. Souls were saved, delivered and blessed of the Lord; a work that has stood until now.
In 1949, Elder E. D. Davis went to Prichard, Alabama and started a church there. The Church in Prichard became the National Headquarters, and the mother church, in later years.
The Church of God Pentecostal was organized and chartered by the state of Arkansas on September 8, 1950. In 1961, the mother church was moved to Prichard, Alabama and charted. Bishop E. D. Davis became Senior Bishop.
1967-68 – Mother Emma Jackson became the 2nd National Mother.
1968-1993 – Mother Lucille Singleton served as the first National Supervisor.
1993-2008 – Mother Lucille Singleton became the 3rd International Mother
1993-2008 – Missionary Lucille Riddle served as the 2nd Women Supervisor.
1993-1996 – Missionary Sue Beville served as the Women Chairlady.
1996-2001 – Mother Stella Pearl Dunning-Davis served as 2nd Women Chairlady
2002-2006 – Mother Pearl Dairy became the 3rd Women Chairlady.
1993-2007 – Bishop Johnny J. Young served as National Secretary.
In 1991 – Senior Bishop E. D. Davis received his Honorary Doctorate degree from MTI of Inglewood, California.
April 2002 – Senior Bishop E.D. Davis presented his vision to build a 5,000-seat Temple.
July 14, 2002 – Bishop E.D. Davis celebrated his 90th Birthday.
August 19, 2006 – Bishop E.D. Davis along with the National Council elected and appointed Bishop Johnny J. Young as the Senior Presiding Bishop. Council member, Bishop Dow Perry termed this appointment as a Joshua appointment as the second leader to lead the children of Israel. The Council unanimously charged Bishop Johnny Jasper Young to “take the Church of God Pentecostal to the next level and next dimension as their second leader in 78 years.
August 11, 2007 – An inaugural banquet will be held at the Mobile Convention Center where there will be an official Passing of the Baton from Founding Bishop E.D. Davis to Bishop Johnny J. Young.
August 13, 2007 – Bishop E.D. Davis requested that Elder George E. Moore, Sr. come and pastor his local church at 818 Telegraph Rd. Elder George E. Moore, Sr. said he would if the Lord is willing. To be ratified in April 2008 Council meeting.
October 8, 2007 – Our Founder the Late Bishop E.D. Davis went home to be with the Lord at the ripe age of 95.
October 20, 2007 – Our National Home going Celebration for our late founder was held at the Mobile Civic Center auditorium with a seating capacity of approximately 14, 000. This Funeral was the first to be held at this site.
October 8-November 18, 2007 – The National Organization observed a 40 days of mourning the passing of our founder, Chief Apostle, Senior Bishop who provided 78 years of charismatic leadership for this august body as the first leader as a Moses.
November 23, 2007 – The National Council held a Special Council session in Mobile, Alabama at the Battle House Hotel Executive Hospitality Suite. Holy Communion and feet washing were administered by Senior Bishop Young.
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